Become a Gosford Race Club Member

Take advantage of fantastic opportunities on and off course with exclusive deals and specials throughout the entire financial year – Until 30 June 2025.

Gosford Race Club is currently undergoing a major track renovation resulting in the transfer of approximately 9 race meetings. The club hopes to be back and racing in late December, early January.

Members will still have access to all the additional discounts, coupons, Members Cocktail Party and other benefits to use throughout the year, as well as reciprocal rights to the other clubs who will be taking on the Gosford Transfer meetings during the closure.

A joining fee of $35 occurs for new members. This fee is waived for anyone under the age of 35 (select U35 Member in drop down on your application).

Membership 2024 – 2025 ($88 plus $35 joining fee)$123
Membership PLUS Annual Member’s Guest Badge ($196 + $35 joining fee)
Allows a member to bring a guest to all race days throughout the financial year at no additional cost
Under 35s Membership (joining fee waived)$88
Under 35s Membership PLUS Under 35s Member’s Guest Badge (joining fee waived)
Allows a member to bring a guest to all race days throughout the financial year at no additional cost

Under the Club’s constitution any member whose annual subscription remains unpaid at 1 August automatically ceases to be a member and consequently a new application will be required.

All membership applications will be reviewed at the next board meeting. Once approved, you will be contacted and your membership pack will be mailed to you.

Your Application

Application Fee

Application details

3 or 4 digit security number on back of card.

2024/2025 membership will expire on the 30th June 2025. Renewal notices will be sent out in May.